Part-time with the use of distance learning technologies (remote) - this training for employees, responsible people who value their time.
Faculty of distance learning with the use of DOT for more than 5 years, is preparing bachelors, using modern methods and forms of work with students, preparing teachers for work in the information environment. Our individual approach to each student Faculty of distance learning with the use of DOT gets a lot of positive feedback from our graduates. Learn from us comfortable, interesting and profitable.
Through distance learning with the use of bunker you build your career, you get good education and save your time.

Education using distance learning technologies - education of the future!

Upon completion of the state diploma!

The Faculty provides training in the following areas:

- economy

- management

- State and municipal management

- jurisprudence


Training is paid (contract) basis.

For more advice on the conditions of education and income

can be obtained from the admissions committee

by phone at (812) 647 63 14, 8-800-770-03-80 from 10 to 19 hours (lunch - from 14 to 15 hours).

Go to the system of distance learning with the use of DOT.

Go to the site distance learning with the use of DOT.