Adolescence - the transition, crisis. In general, it is clear, in particular? Every day thousands of homes own meal, his doubts, his deadlocks. Every teenager is hard in its own way. One of the phrases you can put a fat point in all our attempts to curb unpredictable stranger Council's own child. Let's share with each other our reflections, perhaps, if you do not find a recipe, then the output or possible solutions to these sometimes difficult issues. We rejoice in the birth of a child, his first steps, first words, first in his life September. But the closer this very transitional adolescence, the more anxiety. Most parents know that in this period, the child may become rude, unkind, it ceases to share their thoughts. Why in the same family during this period is almost imperceptible, but in the other - the daily battles, where there is Battle of Borodino? Why in the same family with the eldest son had no problems, but with the younger! .. With daughter was easier, and the son ... and so on and so forth.

First of all, let us ask ourselves the question: is it good, we know their children? Or what happens to them? What internal restructuring affect their behavior? The main thing we need to understand: they are no longer children. Yes not yet adults but not children. We know so little about them! We - teachers and parents - can see only the very tip of the iceberg: the actions, words, gestures, and everything else is hidden deep down, but here is a complex mechanism that controls them. Before we get into the complex world of a teenager, we need to overcome some ingrained stereotypes of old thinking in education. Let's start with the fact that abandon the conventional wisdom statement that "we were better," and "they are very spoiled". The position of "yes, there were people in our time, is not that the current tribe" counterproductive for suti.Oni, today's boys and girls, no worse and no better than us! They are just different. It is the first. Secondly, lets оabandon the view of education as a process of child manipulation, control its behavior. Education - this is a relatively meaningful and purposeful human cultivation in the family, contribute to its adaptation in the society. The third stereotypewhich dominates us - it is the belief of adults that we all are-understand in themselves and the child. This is misleading: it is possible to track the external behavior and the action-tion, but genuine feelings, motivations and motives can not be controlled by us. We are given only assume what motivates the re-child. Very often, we thought pripisy-Vai children, look at all his, and not their eyes. Or here's another stereotypethe child learns to live, preparing for the future. No, he lives now, today, and parents have a clear grasp it. Yes, it is growing, evolving, learning, changing their attitudes, goals. But it's his life. And it is very important that the teenager had before his eyes an example of a full-fledged alliance mom and dad. Position sacrifice of parents towards the child distorts his view of reality, develops self-centeredness, inflated self-esteem and, ultimately, the consumer creates the position of "I do not have to." It can form the basis of his behavior in an adult family life. There is another aspect to this problem: the parents sacrifice leads to the fact that the child does not want to then take responsibility for their own fate themselves, and it all begins with the small things. The "Strong family" is designed to assist in maintaining or modifying the relations between parents and adolescents; to understand all aspects of adolescence, in particular, to consider adolescence as age commensurate with psychological adulthood; understand the following: parents of teens need to "solve" the teenagers grow up, that sometimes it is very difficult, especially attentive and caring parents, do not be afraid of their temporary emotional distancing. The success of the process of emotional separation from the family of a teenager - the key to their future family and professional happiness. Psychologists talk about some basics of the relationship of parents with teenagers. The basis of the first - respect; based on the second - awareness; third base - confidence; basis of the fourth - development.

If you and your family is important to maintain a relationship of trust, a common language with teens 11-15 years, our meeting - for you and your children. What will be devoted to a meeting? Discussion of pressing family matters, games, watching movies. You Mom, and it's important to understand how in the future to maintain a good relationship with your child? Come with your baby. You dad, and sometimes it is difficult to explain to a child how to properly act in a given situation? Take proramma "strong family". You bring up a grandmother and her granddaughter or grandson? And you are welcome to participate in a series of meetings "strong family". Even if you are - guardian and educate a teenager, you are sending a special invitation to participate in the program "Strong family".

Objectives of the program:
- To carry out psychological and pedagogical education of parents in family education and prevention;

- Develop partnerships between parents and teenagers;

- Provide support for families emiotsionalnuyu

- To acquaint the family with a positive experience of raising children

- Provetsi propaganda value of a healthy lifestyle.

Both adults and teenagers find for yourself interesting and useful topics for discussion.

Participation is chargeable.

We invite you to take part in the "strong family".

Every Sunday lesson will last for 3 hours. Starting at 17.00!

Call (812) 647 63 14, 985 64 44