Business game


Every Saturday from 17 to 18 hours

in the game an exciting form, participants choose their future profession.

Record by phone 647 63 14, 985 64 44

Make your choice!


Participation paid (200 rubles).

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Purpose: in a playful way the participants receive information on the initial inclination to work in the main classes of professions, develop cognitive interest to the profession.

Training Content: Presentation of the training, awareness of such concepts as career guidance, a conscious choice, personal development in the profession.

Exercises (training participants play the roles of representatives of different professions).

1: Communicative figure (man-man)
2: The person of the 21st century (man-technology)
3: Magnificence Picasso and da Vinci (man-Art mod)
4: The hippie (man-nature)

5: Programming (man-mark)

Results: After the exercise is carried out to discuss the success of the business game with the issuance of a certificate of participation.

Results: business game ends with a discussion of opportunities for further development of the abilities of each member taking into account the professional inclinations, choice of profession group most fully reveal the potential of the child.

Each participant will receive a certificate.

Curator of the business game - Ph.D.

Dean of the Psychology Department Golovin Andrey Anatolievich

Pre-registration is required by calling (812) 647 63 14, 985 64 44.