The main objective of the faculty - preparation of bachelors in the field of state and municipal government in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards, license number 0000827 Series 90L01 reg. Number 0770 dated 18 June 2013 and the certificate of state accreditation series BB number 000932 (reg. Number # 0922 from 25.04.2011 city)

38.03.04 Direction "State and municipal management" approved by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education of 17.09.2009 number 337

The qualifying characteristic of the graduate

A graduate of bachelor in public under the direction received fundamental training in the field of economics and management, computer science and information technology, law, and business communications.

The area of ​​professional activity of graduates

It includes public administration; municipal and local government; management of state and municipal institutions in the social sector, commercial organizations; in other organizations in positions on relations with state bodies and citizens.

state and municipal government Bachelor prepares for the following types of professional activities, which are allocated in accordance with its purpose and place in the control system:

Planning of individual and joint activities, the organization of work on the objectives, resources and results, the rational control of employees and the organization as a whole, the management team and the coordination of activities in an environment of employee motivation, research and diagnose problems, forecasts, objectives and situations, consulting, methodical and educational work with the staff, innovation in the field of management.


Objects of professional activity of bachelors are:

- Federal government agencies;

- The local authorities;

- State and municipal institutions, enterprises and government organizations;

- Institutions of civil society;

- Non-governmental organizations;

- Non-profit organizations;

- International organizations and international authorities;

- Research and educational institutions.