When even some 15-20 years ago, high-school graduates were forced to hand over almost a dozen complicated examinations for one summer and could not even conceive of the possibility of combining outlet and entrance examinations.

And now with the introduction of the unified state exam situation it changed most dramatically. Let us try to understand all the benefits of a new system of high school and entering the university. His aim and objective, according to the Russian Ministry of Education, should be successfully before our eyes come to life increase the objectivity of assessment of knowledge of graduates and students, the formation of a uniform standard of knowledge at the national level, the creation of equal opportunities for admission to applicants universities from different backgrounds and different subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as effective measures to combat corruption admissions universities.

Speaking about the priority dignity exam - that is, an objective assessment of knowledge of graduates of schools, it should be noted that it is this goal primarily by its creators - a research laboratory under the supervision of the doctor of psychological sciences, professor of the Moscow State University Alexander Shmelev All sorts of tests really affect the basic materials throughout the course of schooling, at the same time revealing the real and graduate skills and the ability to logically and gracefully express your thoughts on the proposed theme, and the ability to use the concepts and formulas. In addition, this system minimizes the chance factor when competent diligent student could draw ticket with unloved theme and get it unimportant mark or weaker student accrue to "happy" card with the well-known his theme and, as a consequence, unduly high score.

Another positive aspect of the exam recognized its shape - an examination shall in writing, minimizing the impact on the final score on it such subjective factors as the mood takes the exam, his excitement dealer or private entrants devastating charm and his ability to manipulate teachers. Also, the exam can be prepared in advance - online regularly laid out options for potential responses to test questions, and can be practiced in the responses to them at least daily.

However, there is not only supporters but also opponents of total administration exam system, believes that such a single, unified and automated test does not provide the examiners ability to fully get an idea of ​​the applicant's personality, his creative and scientific potential of the selected profile training, while all certainly, it is possible to find out at the oral interview. This long-term experience in the UK such evaluations obtained knowledge of graduates, on the basis of which, by the way, and built a system of our national exam, unable to fully resolve these contradictions.

The principal difference between our (especially even Soviet) in Education from the Western approach: we are preparing, we say, creative professionals a sufficiently broad profile and foreign experts receive more narrowly directed specialized education. And the Moscow State University and Bauman graduates are among the best specialists in their field, has an impressive breadth and independence of thought and creative approach to the problem.

In addition, the introduction of the exam was due to the many small organizational difficulties, but gradually, year by year, the situation is leveled and all processes are optimized. But the big question still disturbs permanently interested in the topic of persons: whether it is possible to limit the transition from school to higher surrender a single exam for all?

Uniform State Exam has received a mandatory character, and the preparation for it becomes a serious problem for both examiners, as well as for students and their parents. Author, Ph.D., Inna G. Bogachev not just a detail, and carefully analyzes the psychological specificity of this test and the difficulties that can appear at graduates, but also voiced optimal methods of psychological help to graduates in the course of preparing for this important event in their lives. The article presents an effective program of interaction with both students and their parents and teachers and developed workshops scripts for teachers, courses for graduates and parents' meetings.

Below we present the most frequently asked questions about EGE and answers Vice-Rector BGI.

  1. Is it EGE optimal and effective method of assessment of knowledge of graduates and students of today?

To date, there are a number of unresolved technical issues, but every year the situation is getting better.

  1. Do I need to seriously reform the system of entrance examinations to universities and in what part?

Russian universities have accumulated a lot of experience in this part, formed the real tradition, and it is not necessary to go from all this refuse. As for the addition of some important points, that the example of our institute, you might need to introduce psychological testing our students to identify particularly important for the future as a psychologist. Why do other universities do not pick up this idea? Once we add the exam essay motivating plan, a detailed explanation of the applicant suggesting reasons for choosing our university, the ultimate goals of education and professional peaks for achievements!

  1. It used if the key to further successful and effective training at the university identify the individual applicant?

Without a doubt.

  1. What is your personal attitude towards the practice of combining graduation and entrance examinations under the auspices of EGE?

A significant part of the global education system for more than a decade living under the scheme, which means that it is available and a variety of advantages. The most important of them, in my opinion, is the lack of psihoemotsiaonalnogo stress student and elementary physical relief of his transition from school to university (no need to take three times the same items in different institutions). The main difficulty I personally see in the lack of knowledge the student assessment practices without direct direct contact with him. Also, a certain complexity are the college entrance tests of creative profile (theater, art, conservatory, etc.) - there is a uniform exam not be able to do.

  1. If the gods offered to enroll students, not only in the results of EGE, but also on the basis of other specialized tests, how would you react to this?

It is quite positive. After EGE is able to demonstrate a level of knowledge, but not the extent of cultural or psycho man. I would add more specialized testing for the degree of compliance with the selected entrant profession, or better yet, have preceded them and provide analysis of EGE results.

Another stumbling block in the ongoing battles around the exam is a dispute about the impossibility to identify the problem with the finals of introductory purposes. Of course, many parallels, but there are important differences between them. Besides the final evaluation of the 11 years of teaching today's students knowledge is clearly in need of maximum objectivity, and there simply can not do without a single educational standard. A subjective approach to this important issue is capable of greatly hinder correctly analyze the skills and knowledge of students.

Universities have a different purpose entrance exams:

  • establish the presence or absence of compliance with the personality of the applicant's chosen profession and specialty;
  • determine its potential and, hence, scientific or professional prospects;
  • to analyze the extent of his desire to learn here, and understanding of the principles and features of their future profession.

And in the results of the exam, alas, nowhere find any ability to take unconventional, but effective solutions, not creative mind nor the habit on their own and it is logical to think, whereas these qualities can predetermine the future of talented professionals in their field.

In short, the exam is almost completely satisfied with the school, but requires improvements and additions in terms of higher education institutions. Some universities even prefer to do without a unified common standards for entrance exams. In particular, the rector of Moscow State University VA Sadovnichy He issued under his editorship of a collection of articles entitled "Education that we can lose," where very eloquently argued the position of opponents use the exam for high school.

  1. Objectives and concepts of psychological preparation of high school students to pass EGE

Introduction to professional turnover concepts of psychological readiness for the exam and content analysis suggests that only one psychologist can not afford to create such willingness. This requires an integrated approach. The first step is to determine the main purpose of psychological support as a kind of emergency assistance, the foundation of which must be based on the already educated and formed the functions and skills.

As for the more specific objectives of psychological preparation for the exam, here are the main ones:

  • A detailed introduction to all of the exam procedure;
  • Help in shaping an effective and clear strategy of behavior on the exam;
  • Formation of the most adequate and clear opinion about the objectives, advantages and difficulties of the exam.

The psychologist is required to set ourselves the task, it is best for that particular school, for which you can use two strategies:

  • Resource-oriented, aimed at finding the strengths of the graduates and the ways of using them to train and passing the exam;
  • Technologically-oriented, aimed at mastering by certain technologies and workflows to achieve success on the exam.
  1. Model of psychological support Graduates in preparation for taking EGE.

First of all, it should be noted that the key to effective and successful mental preparation for the exam can become a systematic work of psychologist for the timely identification of emerging problems and their elaboration. Also, the purpose of psychological support to the student in the learning process can be considered to ensure its normal development (by age), the study of the elementary methods of psychological health and self-control and inculcation of psychological culture.

The objectives of the psychological support of students are:

  • Help in solving the current problems of learning, communication, development, socialization;
  • Preventing this kind of problem;
  • Formation of psychological competence of the graduates themselves, their families, teachers, including the creation of personal training programs;
  • Protection of physiological and psychological health of students, including the prevention of neuroses.

Areas of work on psychological support (support):

  • Prevention of problems and psychological disorders;
  • Group and personal diagnosis of psychological deviations;
  • Psychological education;
  • Developing personal and group remedial work;
  • Expert analysis of curricula, textbooks, learning environment, and some educational projects.

Advantages exam revealed to the fullest extent only with the consideration of important psychological nuance, typical with the different types of testing people of all ages and status. For example, scientists have found that the successful completion of tests demonstrates the individual's ability to focus and make effective use of his memory under severe time constraints, as well as a high degree of stress. So, should ensure that the most complete and personalized psychological support graduates at the stage of preparation for taking the exam, aimed mainly at instilling psycho self-management skills and self-regulation. And to begin this hard work should be well before the exam dates, gradually perfecting some details when delivery. Formed psycho skills will be useful to students, not only at the time the exam, but also in other stressful situations in different periods of his life.

  1. Recording on a training course to pass EGE by phone: 647 63 14, 985 64 44.