Some features of the USE in Russian

BGI Teachers believe that the main mistake of standard methods of teaching Russian language is impairing the value of the relationship of all kind of speech activity. Therefore, the teaching of the Russian language in the formation of BGI is built around the ability to talk on a given topic, using the ability to draw conclusions and produce their own arguments, while respecting the ethical correctness of the discussion. Serious attention is paid to the creativity and the interests of the applicant, and his reader's personal experience in an effort to organize his training to Russian in full compliance with the learner oriented approach.

The training program involves the use of a copyright training manuals and support schemes.

Some features of EGE in English

The program of training courses to pass the exam in English is built in such a way as to devote maximum attention to the alternation educational reading and listening techniques and the development of methods of search and viewing reading as well as listening to the training methods with the full knowledge and understanding of the requested information and content. In addition, teachers are trying to expand the genres and types of texts for listening and reading, stimulate the conscious manipulation of grammatical and lexical units, form a compensatory language skills and, ultimately, seek assimilation of lexical and grammatical knowledge to the extent that is provided by the state educational federal standard level and their practical application in a dialog and social context.

Some features of EGE in biology

The first program of the course is aimed at providing students mastering the basic material, under the requirements of state educational standards in biology. Also, special attention is paid to teachers at consolidating and repeat the passed material, causing the greatest difficulty for graduates of different years:

  • The evolutionary path, driving force and direction;
  • In the embryonic development of organisms and Postnatal period;
  • cell metabolism;
  • Pressure reducing cell division;
  • Neurohumoral regulation of various processes of human life;
  • Geographical and Environmental Education of species in nature;
  • Characteristics of the main divisions of types of plants and animals;
  • Features of development and preservation of the human immune system;
  • The role of living matter (biomass) in the modern biosphere;
  • The main features of the stability of ecosystems.

Some features of EGE in mathematics

The key to successful preparation for taking the exam in mathematics should be systematic and methodical study of this subject throughout his training course. To identify and address the lack of knowledge of pupils, as well as to consolidate the acquired skills held final repetition of the material and the final stage of preparation for the rigorous examination. The training program is built on the basis of a systematic study of the subject, skills training successfully meet the challenges of the various levels of development and ability to think logically. To orient students to complete the study of mathematics serve as reference measuring exam materials prior, 2011. The special role of teachers BGI on mathematical disciplines assign regular exercise in the formation of basic mathematical competencies, such as:

  • Perform arithmetic operations (mostly in the mind);
  • The ability to analyze and solve problems at any level;
  • Algebraic transformation simplest type;
  • Various Actions with the basic functions and more.

Some features of EGE on the history

BGI Teachers have worked hard to process and analyze the results of the exam on the history of 2011 for the preparation of detailed recommendations for preparing for the exam 2012. At the same time attention was paid to the topics of the course that caused the most trouble for graduates of the previous flow, including:

  • Relations between society and the authorities;
  • Formation and development of the social structure of modern society;
  • Evolutionary processes in the political system, from the ancient times and ending with today's political realities;
  • Features and complexity of the development of Russian statehood in the post-Soviet period, and similar materials.

For better assimilation of the material in the methodology of teaching the history of the following teaching methods laid down:

  • Comparative analysis of the events method, separated in time and space, but with some common symptoms and causes;
  • The study of biographies and personal memories vivid historical figures;
  • Practical exercises, including drawing diagrams and tables;

An analysis of historical sources and documents on the subject of communication of their content with the studied historical events.

Some features of the social studies EGE

It is difficult to overestimate the role of communication in our lives: this is the formation of our mentality, world view, our inner world. That is why it is important and timely complete the socialization of human society, the first step which can be considered a family. That socialization becomes the impetus for the formation of man as a person, grown on the principles of humanism. Because BGI teachers prepare students to pass the exam on social science on the basis of the authors - humanists, do not forget to contact and personal experience of graduates. In other words, training courses to pass the exam in social studies focused mainly on the real life, the understanding and interpretation of its key points.

The main objective of activities in preparation for the delivery of the unified state examination in the "Baltic Institute of Humanities" - help secondary school graduates to prepare for successful completion of the exam.

Students who attend classes in preparation for the exam in the 2012-2013 uch. We were received from 69 to 72 points for social studies, between 55 and 60 points in math, from 56 to 61 points to Russian, from 70 to 73 points biology.

A feature of the training courses in "Baltic Institute of Humanities" is the occupancy of not more than 5-7 people, so the teacher has time to take the time to work individually with each student.

The exam preparation program includes repetition and systematization of knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom at school, and is also intended to fill the gaps, which, unfortunately, are available. During the preparation for passing the exam the teacher gives students the theoretical material on the example of previous years' tests teaches correctly answer questions, focuses on an analysis of the wording, causing difficulties. Each month employment ends controlling the cut studied.

Classes at the 6-month training courses for the exam begins November 1, 2013

The courses of 6 months allow systematically prepare for the exam delivery during the school year without undue haste and excessive stress.

Record by phone: 985 64 44 and 647 63 14 11 19 (lunch - from 14 to 15 hours).