Dear students of the 9th, 10th, 11th grade schools and high schools of the Kirov district!

We invite you to take part in a business game "The choice of profession."

Participants in the game entertaining form will choose their future profession.

We are waiting for you every Saturday at 17:00.

at Prospect. Strikes, d. 72, auditorium. 286.

Recording required!

Phone: (812) 647 63 14, 985 64 44.

It is interesting

When fifteen years ago, we passed ten exams in one summer - in an embrace with textbooks and almost forgetting about the love we are and to a head could not come: opening and final one.

Let's try to understand the advantages of the new system of transition from school to university, the system, which is called the unified state exam. Aims and objectives of its Ministry of Education designated as the formation of a unified national standard of knowledge, increase objectivity of the evaluation of students' knowledge, the creation of equal conditions for the admission of all students, as well as the fight against corruption in universities.

The priority benefits of the exam include most objective assessment of students' knowledge, to which, as we know, and sought in the first place its creators - a research laboratory headed by Doctor of Psychology, professor of Moscow State University Alexander Shmelev. Indeed, diverse tests cover the entire course of training, testing and actual knowledge of the material, and the skills of operating formulas and concepts, and the ability to coherently express their thoughts on a given topic. Agree with this system minimizes the very element of chance, because of which a knowledgeable student could get a bad grade, pulling, unfortunately, a ticket for the most unloved subject, and, on the contrary, the student is weak could obtain an estimate high, fated to get easy ticket or using crib.

In addition, the written exam is reduced impact on the assessment of the various kinds of subjective factors: excitement in charge, the mood of the teacher, the student's personal charm and skills to communicate effectively. The unconditional dignity of the exam, and that it can be prepared in advance, just like the famous English TOEFL - options for possible questions posted on the Internet, and everyone can practice responses. these tests on a pilot basis have been tested in different regions. In 2003 it was planned to bring to the exam with schools in 48 Russian regions, among which, however, was not in Moscow. Nevertheless, some of the capital's science citadel still fluttered back in 2003 decided to accept applicants on the results of a single test. Among them are such luminaries as the national education MGIMO, Finance Academy, Higher School of Economics.


Numerous exam critics have pointed out that the experiment took place is not quite normal. First, Moscow schools and universities, as if by agreement, for a long time kept away from him. Although it would seem, where as not in the capital to experiment - and technical base developed, and the distances long, and processing data easier. However, a number of Moscow universities, led by the grandfather of our science of MSU were serious criticism innovations. And convincing arguments cited - a single test does not allow to evaluate the person entering his scientific and creative potential in a future profession, while the verbal conversation with the teacher at least nominally provides such an opportunity. Other experiences also make an impression on our luminaries of science, despite the fact that a similar pattern of education system works in many European countries (our domestic exam was specifically developed with reliance on the British version). Perhaps we have reason not to trust entirely abroad.

We talked for many years that our higher education - the best in the world. Then it turned out that this is - do go there and find out. We, such a tradition, preparing creative professionals generalists. Education abroad pragmatically, giving graduates more narrowly focused.

But graduates of the Moscow State University and Bauman is always appreciated for the breadth of thinking, for creativity and independence. On the small organizational difficulties associated with the introduction of the CSE hardly makes sense to talk. They are, but still it seems to me that technically establish a process - it is only a matter of time. However, it is possible to reduce all this is extremely important, not only for the applicant but also for the culture of the country as a whole, the transition from high school to the highest in a single exam for all?

Unified state exam became mandatory, and therefore the problem of preparation for it is very acute. Author, Bogachev Ina G., Ph.D., not only analyzes the psychological specifics of the exam, the difficulties that may arise from the graduates, but also offers specific methods of psychological support for students in preparation for the exam. The article presents the program of work of both the students and with teachers and parents. Results script sessions for graduates, seminars for teachers and parents' meetings.

Here are frequently asked questions, to which the pro-rector of the Baltic Institute of Humanities is responsible.

1. Is it possible to say that at the moment the exam - the best way to an objective assessment of knowledge of graduates?

This is not entirely true, there are still a number of technical issues that need improvement.

2. Do you think there needs prevailing at the time of entrance examination system reform, and if so, in which direction?

The country has accumulated a lot of experience, have a very good tradition, almost all of it should be reformed. The only thing I would add - it is the experience of our institution - a very good result gives a psychological test to identify professionally important qualities for a future psychologist. This is, in my opinion, could borrow from other universities. To test, we add a motivational essay in which man explains why he came to this school, what he wants is to learn what he wants to achieve in this area.

3. Is it possible to say that an individual approach to an applicant, the identification of the person - a pledge of further effective learning?


4. How do you feel about the idea to connect the outlet and entrance exams in the unified state exam?

Most of the world lives under the scheme, it has lots of advantages. First of all, the student is relieved of stress, does not give twice the same examinations, he has a choice to send their scores to several universities. The difficulty is that we have not yet developed the culture of evaluation of knowledge without direct communication. In addition, there are a number of universities, which are talented people, such as the Moscow State University, art colleges, here a single examination is unlikely to be enough.


5. If your high school students were invited to take not only in accordance with the results of the exam, would you go for it?

Of course. Let us not forget that a single examination only shows the level of knowledge, but there is still a level of culture. Optimally, it would look like this: testing for compliance with the chosen profession, which helps to determine whether a person is ready to develop in this area, and only then it would be possible to watch the exam results.

What is the reason for such different approaches? Final exams in high school and entrance exams to universities, of course, inextricably linked, but it would put an equal sign between them, perhaps wrongly - they pursue different objectives. The final grade for the course Knowledge of pupils of secondary school needs to be more objective, then you really need a single standard.

Here subjectivity can seriously harm the case, because the purpose of the exam - to reliably estimate the knowledge and skills. And at the higher school entrance exams to challenge radically different. Evaluation of knowledge and skills coming, of course, important, but more importantly - whether this person chosen profession? What are the potential opportunities, academic and professional prospects of the applicant? How good he is currently chosen profession, no matter how much his desire to learn here? In assessing the results of the secondary school does not attempt to identify the independent thinking, creativity and ability to find creative solutions, meanwhile, it is essential to assess the professional prospects.

You can draw the following conclusion: the representatives of secondary schools are more concerned with technical issues of the EGE, on the whole satisfied with their exam. But representatives of universities are convinced that one exam is not enough, and you can even do without it. A striking example of such a position can be released in the last year, a collection of articles edited by representatives of culture of Moscow State University Rector Sadovnichy VA "Education that we can lose." Authors of articles eloquently argue its position.

1. Objectives and strategies of psychological preparation of graduates for the exam

 Introduction and substantive analysis of the concept of psychological readiness for the exam allows us to say that the psychologist who works directly with the graduates can not take on this task of forming readiness, because such goals are simply unattainable. The question of how the school as a whole forms a child's readiness for the exam is a difficult scientific and practical problems, so that we are aware of the importance of it, focus on the work with alumni. Define the main goal of psychological preparation of graduates for the exam as "first aid" on the basis of already formed skills and functions. On this basis, formulate particular objectives of psychological preparation of students for the exam:

1. The introduction of the USE procedure;

2. The formation of an adequate opinion on the exam;

3. The formation of a constructive strategy on the exam performance.

Depending on the specifics of the educational institution, a contingent of graduates, the composition of the psychological service and a number of other parameters psychologist is doing just the tasks that are relevant to that particular school.

To achieve these goals there are two possible strategies psychologist:

— Resource-oriented strategy. It is aimed at finding the strengths of students and ways to use them in preparation and on the exam;

— Technologically oriented strategy. Her goal - the development of a technology, the sequence of actions to ensure the success of graduates.

We describe the possible methods of psychological preparation for the exam, depending on the purpose of facing the psychologist.

2. Model of psychological support students in preparing for the exam

 One of the major tasks of the school at present is the need to address child support tasks in terms of modernization of education, changes in its structure and content.

Systematic work-psychologist in identifying, exploring the difficulties encountered by students at different stages of training is the key to successful psychological preparation for final exams.

Psychological support of development of the child can be seen as support for relations: their development, correction, rehabilitation.

The purpose of psychological support of the child in the educational process is:

  • ensuring the normal development of the child (in accordance with the norm of the corresponding age);
  • inculcation of psychological culture (the ability to take care of their own mental health, ability to work with feelings, emotions, thoughts);
  • the study of the simplest ways of psychological self-control and mental health.

psychological support tasks:

  • preventing the occurrence of child development problems;
  • help (assist) the child in solving urgent problems of development, learning, socialization: learning difficulties, disorders of emotional and volitional,
  • psychological support of educational programs;
  • psychological competence development (psychological culture) students, parents, teachers. development of individual educational routes;
  • the formation of an adequate self-esteem;
  • protect and promote physical and mental health;
  • prevention of neuroses.

Types (direction) works on psychological support:

  • Diagnostics (individual and group (screening).
  • Counseling (individual and group).
  • Developing, correctional work (individual and group).
  • Psychological awareness and education: the formation of psychological culture.
  • Prevention.
  • Examination (education and training programs, projects, grants, educational environment).

The main principle of the organization of psychological service - consistency: psychologist, implements all 5 (6) of the functions and does so regularly.

I would like to emphasize that all the positive moments of the exam will not work in our favor, if we do not take into account the important psychological aspects associated with any kind of testing people. Scientists, psychologists believe that the successful completion of the test to a greater extent reflects the level of stress test, the willingness to focus and memory and act just under time pressure. Given this, it is necessary to provide psychological support to students in the process of preparation for the delivery of the unified state exam forming appropriate psycho skills of self-control and self-control. The bulk of the work should be done not just before exams, but much earlier, practicing individual parts, are not as emotionally stressful at the time tests and in other cases. Psychotechnical skills exams not only increase the efficiency of the preparation for the exam, allowing more successfully to behave during exams, but in general contribute to the development of mental work skills, and the ability to mobilize ourselves in a decisive situation, to master their own emotions.

3. Training "Psychological preparation for the exam"

The main objective of this course - the development of psychological stability for the upcoming unified state exam. Classes are held in the form of game exercises, discussions, business games, lectures.

In our classes you will learn and learn how to:

  • stop being afraid of the exam and become more confident;
  • control their psychological state during the preparation and delivery of the exam;
  • develop a successful installation on the delivery of EGE;
  • to overcome the psychological barriers to successful completion of the exam;
  • become mentally stronger.

Record 6-month training courses to pass the exam for 2013-2014 uch. city

by phone: (812) 647-63-14, 985-64-44 from 10 to 19 hours.

Contacts: Strikes, etc., etc. 72, office 363.