
 the course of the practical course on social and psychological support of deviant behavior 4th year students of the Faculty of Psychology participated in the group with co-dependent clients. On shruppe attended by about 20 people. Future psychologists were able to practice the skills of psychological counseling, participation in training exercises with the co-dependent clients. Upon completion of the training was held to discuss methodological techniques (already in the circle of students and professionals).

Opened the event with an excursion to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, which, like the work of the group held sozavismyh Elena E. Rydalevskaya.

The event took place at the invitation of the Coordination Centre for combating drug addiction and alcoholism St. Petersburg diocese and the Charitable Fund "Diakonia". Faculty of Psychology BGI thanked colleagues and expressed special thanks to Elena Evgenievna Rydalevskaya (Executive Director of the Foundation "Diakonia") for the opportunity.

At the end of the second joint activities have been planned in detail and fleshed out further directions of scientific methods and practice-cooperation in the field of prevention, correction, rehabilitation and systemic, comprehensive support of deviant behavior.

Leads direction - Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Head of the Department of General Psychology BGI Fedossenko EV