
On the Psychological Faculty of Humanities Institute of the Baltic passed refresher courses "Development of social and psychological professional competence, working with drug and alkogolezavisimymi"

More than 20 colleagues (clinical psychologists, drug experts, heads of rehabilitation centers, consultants and volunteers gathered from all over Russia (Samara, Izhevsk, Ufa, Penza, etc.).

The program has been extremely busy, it included a comprehensive training in the field of psychology.

After the course, students receive systematic knowledge on integrated support drug and alkogolezavisimyh, uchitvaya as its direct scope of work within the specialization and a comprehensive model of rehabilitation centers.

Also met students with a lot of practical techniques, work methods and a detailed diagnostic tools, took with them to the regions extensive methodological material.

Program Manager and teacher: the dean of the Faculty of Psychology BGI, k.ps.n Fedossenko EV